Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Getting Into the Swing of Things...

New seasons are always very interesting. i'm never quite sure what to do with them. there are times when new seasons are welcome and anticipated (was anyone a part of the 2010 Boone winter? the population tripled the first day the sun came out.) and some new seasons just sort of creep up on you. this season crept up on me...

its a season where i feel wild and unprepared, like im wrapped up in something that is entirely too big for me to be such a part of, but the Lord has been steadily reminding me of the intense process of preparation that he has walked with me through the last several years. he has taken me from country to country and from season to season and he has proven to me without a doubt that He is the most faithful person i've ever met. He has grown me, He has loved me, He has let me experience bits and pieces of His glory and power, he has given me a love for His word, His heart and His people. and He now trusts me to walk forward with the confidence of a disciple of Jesus Christ. i guess i forgot about that season. Ever feel like you're still a fisherman?

Sometimes i feel so much like Peter. the Lord has spoken to me several times about that. He told me a long time ago to "go and do as Peter did." im still learning what that means, but i'm beginning to see just how alike he and i are. Peter was called to minister to his people. to the Jews. im also called to minister to my people. the christians. its something that i feel in my spirit as the main direction for my life.

i've also found out, time and time again, that my personality and spiritual walk are just like Peter's as well. Peter was a bold man who loved the Lord Jesus with everything in Him. he had a good heart. he randomly had a lot of people looking to him for leadership. he asked stupid questions. he talked a little too loud to make sure Jesus knew how much he loved him. and for the large majority of his journey, he had no idea what in the heck he was doing. Hi. I'm Andrew Gray, it's nice to meet you.

but at the end of the day, the Lord called Peter the rock. he changed his name and his heart and pulled out the things that he created inside of him so he could be the man we all know. i think its time that i allow him to do the same thing in my own heart. to get over myself and my smallness and step into what God's called me to be. i barely remember getting on the boat, and the storms around me dont make sense, but "Lord, if it's you, tell me to come to you on the water."

"Come" he says.

and out of the boat we go.

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