Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I typed out my conversation with Him...

i was sitting in espresso news trying to prepare for new life and watching some people play chess. here's what we talked about...

“I’m more in this chess game than I am in your preparation.”

- but Lord, aren’t you in my preparation?

- “Yes. But I am in more than just the preparation of a word. I am in the preparation of a kingdom. It’s not about making sure your word comes out with seamless ease, its about preparing a people on whom my kingdom can rest on their shoulders. A people of my likeness who will do what I am doing and desire my desires. A people who will not just put me first with their mouths but who will put me first with their lives. That is the people who I am looking for. People made in my likeness who are after my own heart. Who can be molded into my true likeness. Which happens through process. I am looking for a sea of David’s who will wash upon the white sand and seep into it like the water does the beach. David was following me. You have an even greater example. Why will you not come to me?”

- so how do I come to you? how do we all come to you? what is it you want us to look like?

- “like him who has lost more than he has gained. Like him who has served more than he is served. Like him who knows more than he says and less than he thinks. A people who love simply and sharply and with great purpose and forethought. Who know who their maker is and know that he is good. A people who aren’t afraid to be like me. When the world says that you must be like it.”

- how? What are the right words to say to make this happen? You’ve blessed my mouth, I want you to use it. please Lord, your servant is here, send me. Even though I'm not ready…

- “You’re not supposed to be ready. You’re supposed to believe.”

- I believe Lord, but help me with my unbelief.

- “Haha, You copied that from the bible.”

- I want it though! Teach me to believe like you do. Teach me to lead this body to believe like you do. And um, what is it you want us to believe exactly? Besides just that you are good and do all things for the good of those you love you and are called according to your purposes?

- “Believe that I love them. Believe that I really, really, love them.” (and by “them” I felt in his heart that he meant the people of the world. The lost people who he has a great passion for. The church and the lost alike. By “them” he means his beloved ones.)

- because if I don’t believe it, its going to be very hard to convince them that its true, even though I know it is, huh?

- “that’s part of it. and its just for your own knowledge. Your own heart. You were made for compassion Andrew, it’s not just a side effect. It’s who you are and I want you to walk in it. to receive it and give it. to love and be loved. I’ve told you all this before.”

- Can I just delete prayers like that?

- “Haha. Sure.”

- Anyway. You really are telling me all this constantly. I need it apparently. What should I tell the body of New Life?

- “That they are to be like you.”

- No!

- Ok, the word ‘no’ looks a lot worse when I type it to you…

- What do you mean?

- “That they are to be like a shining star in a dark place. A distant hope drawing closer. A likeness of my son. I can’t tell you how important it is that you lead them into this likeness.”

- And what do I say? What scriptures do I use? Who are you to them?

- “I am their strength when they are weak. I am their joy. I AM.”

- It’s time to go slowly isn’t it? to understand who you are and to be peacefully molded into you? right?

- “I came not to bring peace, but a sword. I came to chop off everything that isn’t like me.”

- Slowly?

- “It must be slowly. That’s how potter’s hands work.”

- Oh wow. What an image!

- “Just wait till you experience it. be who you are Andrew. That is who I am in you. trust them to be who they are and that they will be molded. Guide them my dear son. That is what I have called you to do. I have blessed your mouth with embers of hot coals. Stop choking it with your gages of the situation and your fear of timidity. Be bold and speak as I have called you to speak and guide as I have called you to guide. You, who have asked for so much anointing and so much destiny can’t simply run away from it when it is given to you. your calling is your calling. I’m just asking you to do it.”

- yes Lord.

- “ ‘Yes’ looks better typed doesn’t it?”

- haha YES it does.

- So what scriptures?

- “Romans 12, John 18, and your favorite part of 1 Chronicles.”

- The bit about Samuel too?

- “Yes. Approve what my will is through renewing your mind. That means that you have to believe that my direction is in fact my direction. Live free and do not doubt. I really am speaking to you. you have to mold your mind to believe that before you can truly do what I say with the conviction required to change this world.”

- I love you.

- “I'm loving you too.”

- You changed tenses!

- “You changed the tenses. My love is constant and active, not merely a description.”

- I love you.

- “hahahahahahaha!!!!”

- I want to be loving you.

- “hahahaha you are you are. And you’re learning more beloved one. You are learning more.”

- Stay with me forever.

- “I’m staying with you forever.”

- I’m loving you. Praise God. Save as…

- “Save as “the moment it started” ”

- The moment what started?

- “Your new life. That’s what you asked for isn’t it?”

- I asked “What should I tell the body of New Life?”

- “Tell it to live. And tell it the right way.”

- You have that.

- “You have that.” (we said it at the same time.)

- I’m going to read Romans 12

- “I’m coming.”

- Promise me you’ll always come. Make a covenant with me that we will never be apart.

- “We will never be apart.”

- I’m loving you.

- “I’m loving you.”

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