Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fame Scares Me.

I’ve always wondered what would happen to the Oslen twins if they had never been on Full House, or made this great music video about pizza and how (in the stylish beat that often inhabited the 90's) you can put anything you want on it and adjust it to taste. In the same vein, I’m also worried about what is going to happen to our new friend Rebecca Black.

Rebecca is the upcoming youtube star who was revealed to the world through the song “Friday” that we’ve all been freaking out about (whether negatively or… negatively. it really is pretty awful). The song was posted on Tosh.0 and it spread through the world like electricity. 55 million views so far! Im pretty sure it was 17 million last week. Yikes. I honestly hope that this fame leaves her quickly so that she can get on with her life.

Now, Rebecca is being very kind with her new found fame. She is donating a lot of the $30,000 a week she is making off the video to Japanese relief efforts. Which is great, (we really should all help out), but the crazy thing is that her gifts make the nightly news. I get awkward when people see me do the dishes. I can’t imagine my every move being tracked by CNN. She’s got a spot light on her and although she’s not necessarily “talented” she still has the ability to become a major star in this new world where “going viral” is enough to give you weight in political arguments or make you a legitimate philanthropist. Just ask Antoine Dodson.

But what a scary thing! I cringe when I think about how many people are looking at this poor girl. If Rebecca Black came to Appalachian State University and performed in Farthing Auditorium, the place would be packed. Granted, most people would come out of a cynical idea to make fun of her, but they would come. Heck, I’d probably go. It would be hard to pass up the chance to say I listened to “Friday” live. And as an added plus, I probably wouldn’t need my handy-dandy cell phone calendar to tell me that Saturday was coming up.

But for whatever reason, this girl literally has become a star. Maybe her fame will leave as quickly as it came (for her sake, I hope so, fame seems like it really ruins peoples lives), maybe she’ll be around for a long time and earn a career as a children’s song writer for the days of the week. Who knows? But I sure hope we can save her before she jumps headlong into Mary-Kate and Ashley’s fashion line. Building your own kingdom is scary business. Fame, as a whole, scares me. Praise GOD we were created to give it to Jesus. He’s the only one I’ve ever met who deserves it and can handle it. And even He snuck out of the crowds every now and then.

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