Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Whole New World (that's been here forever)

So i have been dreaming a lot lately. not necessarily about things i want to happen or things i think are about to come, but i have been dreaming of the things around me right now. does that make sense? are you allowed to dream about the things that are right around you in the moment? i believe we can. and not only that. i believe that it is something we should do much more often. the leaves are changing in Boone and that is enough to make dreams come forth in the moment. just driving on the parkway or even walking around my neighborhood, i feel like i can separate my consciousness from the wears and tears of this world and enter into an entirely different realm. its a spiritual place. it is a sacred place. and just because it is right here all around me doesnt mean it isnt completely separate.

i love that about nature. i love that about the Lord. that i can walk through the physical world he created while simultaneously walking through the spiritual world he created. they are both real. they are both beautiful. and it is especially beautiful when the two collide and i am in the middle of it. to all of us striving for peace of mind and purity of heart, i salute you. and i want to remind you (as i have recently been reminded) that these things are found right where we are. they are found in the 10 minute break where we walk outside and photosynthesize our spirits in the sun. (i really honestly feel like fresh air and the sun can recharge your spirit like nothing else in the world. except perhaps the word.) these things are found when we separate, if only for a moment, from the stresses we have placed on ourselves and entered into the world of the spiritual that lives and thrives all around us. the leaves really are laden with gold in that world. the birds really are harmonizing in that world. the fresh air really does restore your health there. its a world that is true to heart and true to God and i know that it has always been there waiting for us to discover more of it. maybe Narnia isnt so far off from the truth. playful adventure in wild settings are only the entrance way to a greater piece of that world. a world where the lion is the king and animals dance around the fire every night.

i love that place. its the only place my mind can rest. and praise God that when the leaves change it seems like the door reveals itself to me. like in the hobbit, when they could only see the door to the mountain when the moon was at the correct position. i feel like the door to the world of peace is found when the colors change. when fall comes. when spring comes. when snow falls for the first time. these are the times when we can walk forward and remember that God has so much more for us on this planet than we have realized yet. what a comforting and exciting thought that is.

so take heart. take time. and walk into this new world of Peace. its real. and its revealing itself. Praise the Lord. He made it well.

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